
Monday, April 1, 2013

We have a winner! - March Template Challenge

Good evening everybody!  I hope you've had an awesome day.  It's been beautiful here in Arkansas today.  Well, it's April 1 and it's time to announce the winner for my very first Template Challenge here on my blog.  I was so excited to have so many of you playing along with me and I hope you enjoyed the template.  My son Sawyer, who is 10 has spent the last 15 minutes trying to choose a random winner and finally he has!  

So what we did is I opened each layout in a different tab in the order that they were submitted here on my blog.  There were 5 applicable layouts:

1.  Kerri -

2.  Nancy -

3.  Tanyia - 

4.  Kel -

5.  Tina -

I labeled them just as shown #1-5  and the layout he chose was.....

Layout # 3 by Tanyia ... here is her beautiful page:

Tanyia, thank you so much for playing along in my challenge this month!  Your layout is just beautiful!  You have won a coupon to my store for my newest release!  You may choose between:

A. Some Bunny Loves You - released at TDC 3/28 here:

B. Peek a Boo - released at TDC 3/28 here:

OR C. My newest release "Sprout" coming 4/4 and here is a sneak peek:

Please contact me asap at ambermdesigns (at) gmail (dot) com to claim your prize!

Thank you everyone for participating in the first template challenge here on my blog and I hope you will continue to play along each month!  Thank you also to my sweet boy Sawyer, for choosing this month's winner!

Check back here tomorrow for the April Template Challenge!

Have a great evening and happy scrapping!
xoxo Amber


kel said...

Congrats Tanya - your page is awesome! Love those big leaves and clusters!!!!

LOFT said...

That is a beautiful template and page! I snagged it (thanks!) after I saw this post and made this page, in case you'd like to see. :)


Lulutoo, your layout is very beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing, I'm happy you love my template! -- Amber