
Friday, June 28, 2013

Fresh look Saturday and a coupon!

Hi everybody!  Kari here to take a fresh look at an older template pack.  Let's take a look at a pack Amber released when she was guesting at The DigiChick, Bad Reputation.
I just love all the layers.  Yes, I'm a huge sucker for layers.  Now I don't always use all the layers, and sometimes I change it up, but I generally stick with the layout of the template.  This is a page I did using Bad Reputation, Ouch.  Full credits can be found here.
As you can see, I pretty much stuck to the layers, changing very little.  I love the picture sized paper pieces, if I had thought to get more pictures of my son's busted lip, I could have used those paper squares for more pictures, but I figured I was already being a mean enough Mama for getting the couple I did get before we went to the ER.  
Here's a page Amber herself did using this set, Your First Christmas.  Full credits are here.
I just love how she used all the layers without it being too busy.  Then again, she is kinda awesome at making templates.  ;-)  
Amber and I both decided to take a fresh look at these fabulous templates and we both came up with new pages!  Here's Amber's.  Sweet, right?  Yeah, she kinda rocks.  Her full credits can be found here.
I took a second look and this time I deleted one of the photos (I had 2 pictures and the template had spots for 3) and I kind of scooted the elements more towards the right side.  My full credits can be found here.  I just love how adaptable Amber's templates are.    
We'd love to see what you do when you take a second look at an older template pack!

Ohhh, I said a coupon, didn't I?  Since we're taking a fresh look at Bad Reputation, let's take an even better fresh look with 30% off!  Use coupon code BadRep_30Off_4U, but jump on it soon, the coupon expires July 5.

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